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Reusable Rocket Revolution: successful landing of ISRO's Reusable Launch Vehicle- Pushpak

Reusable Launch Vehicle- Pushpak
Reusable Launch Vehicle- Pushpak

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) achieved a milestone on March 22nd, 2024, with the successful landing of their Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV)-Pushpak. This is a critical step towards developing a cost-effective and sustainable approach to space missions. 


Launch vehicles are used only once before being discarded. But the RLV is designed to be recovered after launch and flown again. This significantly reduces the cost of space missions, as the most expensive stage, the first one responsible for initial liftoff, can be reused. 


These reusable vehicles can be refurbished and relaunched much quicker compared to building entirely new rockets. This translates to a faster turnaround time between missions, allowing ISRO to conduct space activities more frequently and with greater flexibility. 


The benefits extend beyond cost savings and efficiency. The RLV could prove particularly useful for launching smaller satellites into orbit at a more affordable price point. This opens doors for a wider range of organizations, including universities and research institutions, to participate in space exploration due to the lower cost of entry. 


"This is a great achievement for ISRO and a major leap forward in Indian space technology," said a spokesperson for ISRO. "The RLV programme has the potential to revolutionize space exploration by making it more affordable and accessible." 


The success of the Pushpak landing experiment marks a major development for ISRO's reusable launch vehicle programme. 

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